For all GP appointment requests you now need to submit an online form. You can also submit admin queries online. Click below to access the forms
Triage Appointment System
The Grove Medical Centre uses a total triage system for all GP appointment requests and medical issues. This allows you as the patient to navigate your way to the most appropriate care without the need to phone the practice. This system will mean that you receive the right care, at the right time, with the right person. We will respond to your query appropriately and in the most convenient way.
You no longer need to call at 8am to request an appointment
No need to register for an account, simply click the following link and select either 'I have an admin query' or 'I have a medical issue' and complete the form:
Or you can submit a form via you NHS login -
Or Via the NHS App -
Whilst our phone lines will still be open, if you do call the surgery, we will politely request you complete an online form.
If your personal circumstances mean that it is not possible for you to do this, or for someone you know to complete the form on your behalf, our care coordinators will assist you with completing the form over the phone or provide you with a form to complete at the reception desk.
The Practice will make reasonable adjustments for those patients that are unable to complete forms at set points in the day (such as early morning). This may mean that you will need to come to the Practice to fill out a paper form in reception.
The form is brief, and will ask you the following questions:
- What your query is about
- How long have you had symptoms
- What action you would like
- Your preference for who or when you would like to deal with your problem.
- You will be invited to submit photos if relevant.
When can you submit an online form?
You will be able to submit an online form for medical issues between 7.30am – 6pm Monday to Friday, although we may need to suspended submissions occasionally if the demand is overwhelming.
You will be able to submit an online form for admin queries 24/7. This will not be switched off if or when the medical issues form is suspended.
You can watch a video about how to submit your form via our website below.
What happens after your form is submitted?
We will review and respond to all online consultation forms within two working days. However, we aim to respond on the same day for all forms received before 3pm, where capacity allows.
Administrative tasks will be dealt with by our care coordinators and administrative team in the usual way.
Medical issues are screened by a GP led triage team consisting of a Doctor, Care coordinator and Pharmacist and categorised according to urgency of need.
- If an appointment is required, the triage team will contact you to book an appointment with the relevant clinician within the appropriate timeframe. E.g., same day for an urgent GP review
- It may be possible to deal with your problem directly without the need to see a clinician. Any outcomes or advice will be communicated to patients by SMS or email, or by phone (where necessary).
- You may receive advice about self-care or other services you can refer yourself to.
- We may refer or book you in with another partner service, such as a mental health nurse or a local pharmacy (for UTI’s or other minor illnesses)
- We may organise some investigations for you while you are waiting to be seen.
What queries should I submit an online consultation for?
Most patient queries can be managed through this new process and will allow us to communicate with you in a timely and efficient way.
Admin queries:
All admin queries will need to be submitted online. These can be for:
- Doctors letters
- Fit notes
- Requests for referral updates
- Test results
- medication requests (although we advise that you use the NHS App for this -
- Any other admin related request
Medical Issues:
All medical queries and requests for appointments must be submitted online, where possible.
You can still call the Practice to book appointments directly for:
- Routine nurse appointments such as wound care, B12 injections, Travel etc.
- Medication review with our Clinical Pharmacists
- Annual health checks for conditions such as Asthma, COPD or Diabetes
- Phlebotomy appointments
- 6–8-week Mother and baby check
- Child Immunisations
- Flu and Covid appointments
- NHS Health checks
- Coil and Implant fit or removal.
(Or you can submit an online consultation for any of the above if preferred)
Contact us through the website:
Why does The Grove Medical Centre duse this triage system?
Primary care has faced an unprecedented level of patient need in the context of a national recruitment crisis for both clinical and non-clinical staff. Whilst we have worked very hard to maintain our staffing levels, it is more important than ever that the right problem is dealt with by the right person to ensure we can provide our patients with the safest and most efficient service.
We hope that by making better use of appointments we will be able to increase capacity and reduce waiting times and enable those who are more vulnerable to be able to get through on the phones.
Experience from other practices already using a total triage system has shown that overall patient satisfaction is generally greatly improved.
What if my problem is urgent?
You should still submit an online form. Please do so as early as possible on the day to ensure your problem can be dealt with as soon as possible by our triage team. Please be aware that if demand is very high, we may be unable to deal with your request on the same day but we will review and respond to all online consultation forms within two working days.
If your issue is very urgent, such as signs of a heart attack/stroke, sudden confusion, severe difficulty breathing, seizures, sudden swelling of mouth/lips/throat/tongue, heavy bleeding, or a severe injury, then you should call 999 or go to A&E immediately.
What if I do not have access to the internet or struggle to complete forms?
Please telephone reception and they will fill in an online consultation form with you on the phone.
Can Reception make the appointment instead?
From now on, whether you visit in person or contact by phone, Reception will no longer be able to book GP appointments. They can book appointments for the below:
- Routine nurse appointments such as wound care, B12 injections, Travel etc.
- Annual health reviews for conditions such as Asthma, COPD or Diabetes
- Phlebotomy appointments
- 6-8 week Mother and baby check
- Child Immunisations
- Flu and Covid appointments
- NHS Health checks
- Coil and Implant fit or removal.
How long will it take to fill in the form?
For medical queries, it will take you no longer than 5 minutes. For administrative or simple issues, it may be shorter.
How long will it take to hear from the practice?
For all medical issues, the practice will contact you within 2 working days, although our aim is to respond on the same day for all queries received before 3pm.
When the surgery contacts you, it will either be by text message, email or phone call. You may be offered an appointment, sent advice, or we may arrange your care from appropriate healthcare services that we work with, such as social prescriber, clinical pharmacist, nurse etc.
Does this mean I won’t see a GP anymore?
No, the idea is the opposite. The triage system is just a preliminary way of collecting information to ensure you are seen by the right person in the right way. This will free up more GP appointments for patients with medical issues that require a GP review.
Will I have to fill in the same questionnaire every time I need an appointment?
For each new contact you will be asked to fill in an online questionnaire. We are, however making changes to the way follow up appointments are arranged. Currently clinicians will often ask patients to speak to Reception to book subsequent appointments for relevant investigations such as blood tests and then, following that, book a follow up appointment with the GP. Instead, we aim to be booking these for you during your first contact avoiding the need for you to contact the surgery again.
Enhanced Access Appointments
We are working collaboratively with neighbouring practices as part of a Primary Care Network to provide additional appointments.
These appointments will be available on weekdays up until 8pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm with a variety of clinicians including GPs, Advanced Nurses, Clinical Pharmacists, Physiotherapists and Care Co-ordinators.
The appointments will be held at hubs located at various other local Practices (Annandale Medical Centre, Fairbrook Medical Centre, Highview Medical Centre, Little Bushey Surgery, Parkfield Medical Centre, Schopwick Surgery).
To book an appointment, please call our reception team on 0203 538 3959

Home Visits
Home visits are for housebound patients or those patients that are deemed to ill to attend surgery. Lack of transport is not a reason for requesting a home visit. Whether or not a doctor will visit is at their discretion and they will usually telephone before visiting’.
Please ring before 10.00am to arrange a visit and let us know if your condition is urgent. It is safe to bring children with temperatures to the surgery. They will be seen more quickly and, if infectious, can be accommodated in a separate room.
Children will not be seen at home except in exceptional circumstances.
Not Registered for Online Services?
Please ask if you require a chaperone for any examination.
If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and she will arrange this for you.
Cancellations & Reminders
Cancel an Appointment
Unfortunately patients often do not attend their appointments with a GP and do not cancel. These appointments could be released to others.
Please remember to cancel or rearrange your appointment if you can no longer attend.
If you need to cancel an appointment, please call the surgery using option 3.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.