Are You A Carer?
Are you the main Carer for a family member or friend? Would you like to hear about how our Practice can offer you support? If you answer yes to either of these questions, then we invite you to register as a Carer with the Practice.
The Grove Medical Centre is working together with Carers in Hertfordshire to offer support to patients of any age who have caring responsibilities. This includes parents of children with learning difficulties or young people who are carers to parents or other family members. Many people do not see themselves as carers. They are simply someone's parent, child or friend.
If you look after someone who is ill, frail, disabled, has mental health problems or misuses drugs or alcohol YOU ARE A CARER. Caring can be a 24/7 job that can be demanding and isolating. Carers in Hertfordshire will be able to connect you with the relevant organisations and support networks. They offer advice and you will also receive regular information sent directly to you.
Complete a carers form from reception, we will update your records and pass your information onto Carers in Hertfordshire. All registered carers can pre-book appointments for themselves and the person they look after.
Anna is our Carers Champion at the Surgery. Contact her if you require further information.
For more information on Carers in Hertfordshire please visit the Carers in Herts website.
Please download the document below if you are a registered carer and return to the surgery reception.

Young Carers
Young Carers are young people who help look after someone in their family and take on responsibilities normally handled by an adult. Carers in Hertfordshire's Young Carers Service supports carers aged 8 - 18 and their families to make sure their caring responsibilities don't stop them from having the same opportunities, and social life, that other young people enjoy.
For more information please visit:
Carers Bereavement Group
Carers in Herts welcome carers who have lost the person for whom they cared. They run a series of free sessions which we hope will help you to:
- Share your experience with other people in a similar situation.
- Help you to find your own way to cope and move forward.
- Get the information you need about other support and services which are available to you.
The sessions are run by an experienced team of volunteers who will be present at all sessions to offer a listening ear and support. Bereaved carers living anywhere in Hertfordshire are welcome to attend.
Confidentiality is respected within the group at all times.
If you would like more information or would like to talk to a member of the Bereavement Support Team, please email or call 01992586969.
Or visit our website
Cross Roads Care - Hertfordshire South
Cross Roads Care is a registered charity providing support to Carers and the people they care for. The provide a wide range of support offering practical and emotional help to Carers and the people they care for in their own homes. They offer Information, advice and sign posting to other appropriate or useful agencies.
They aim to provide high quality, flexible services which respond to the individual needs of Carers and the people they care for, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
They provide our services throughout the boroughs of Hertsmere, Watford and Three Rivers.They were established in 1990 and have years of experience in developing and delivering a quality service to Carers and people with care needs.
Today they employ over 100 Care Support Workers, looking after the needs of the community.
They Provide:
- essential breaks from the stresses of caring for people of all ages and disabilities.
- the special quality of care that gives carers the peace of mind to let someone else step into their shoes.
- support to people who live on their own to allow them to live independently.
- a high quality service that is audited against the standards specified in CROQUET - Crossroads own evaluation tool, the County Inspectorate and the Care Quality Commission. Crossroads Care Hertfordshire South carries out client satisfaction surveys throughout the year, with all Carers and service users.
- trained care support staff, who are managed, supervised and supported to work with a wide range of people with varying needs and disabilities.
For full details visit their website:
Carers Passport
Carers can apply for a Carers Passport which is a discount card for family carers and caring friends.
- Apply online at:
- Call 01992 58 69 69
- Or pop into the library for an application form.
Carers Annual Health Checks
All registered Carers are invited to have an Annual Health Check. As part of the check, you may be required to use our surgery pod to measure your height, weight, pulse and BP. You may also be asked questions by a member of our team regarding your lifestyle choices, you may be offered a flu vaccination and you may be requested to have some routine bloods taken.
If you would like to have an annual health check, please contact reception on 02035383959and ask to speak with our carers champion.
Carers Survey
The Practice would like to invite all registered Carers to complete a short questionnaire. We are collecting this information to help us ensure we are improving the support that Health and Social Care services are providing to carers.
Please return your completed surveys to the Practice and mark for the attention of Anna (our Carers Champion). You can either print and return a hard copy to the Practice, or email your completed survey to
Please download the survey here