Practice Updates

5th Feb

Diabetes Support Group


Herts and West Essex Diabetes Support Group is there to support people with Diabetes by helping them to better understand and manage their condition.

This is achieved through a programme of:

  • Monthly webinars given by local experts responsible for our care
  • A regular electronic newsletter on subjects of interest
  • Providing a safe collaborative environment in which we can support each other


For further information and to book onto events visit 

9th Jan

Thursday 9th January 2025 Training Afternoon - Cancelled

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the training afternoon scheduled for Thursday 9th January 2025 has been cancelled. The Practice will remain open as normal.

16th Dec 2024

Dr Venisha Patel

We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to our team. Dr. Venisha Patel, a very compassionate General Practitioner, has joined our Practice and will be working on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week.

Dr. Patel brings with her a genuine passion for helping patients to lead healthier lives. Whether you are visiting for a routine check-up, seeking advice on a health concern, or need ongoing medical support, Dr. Patel is here to ensure that you and your family receive the best possible care.

Long Covid Webinar
8th Nov 2024

Long Covid & Vaccinations Webinar - Tuesday 12th November 2024

Schopwick Surgery's Patient Participation Group is inviting you to Dr Rama Vancheeswaran Long Covid and Vaccinations webinar on Tuesday 12th November 2024 at 7pm


To register for the webinar please click here - Meeting Registration - Zoom

More information about our speaker can be found at:


5th Nov 2024

Staff Updates

Esther Akintunde, our Clinical Pharmacist has left the Grove Medical Centre to focus on her new adventures. Collette, our longest serving reception team member retired in October, and Donna, our Care Cooridnator will be leaving he Practice on 15th November.

We would like to thank all three for their hard work and support, and all at the Grove would like to wish them the very best for the future. 

241021 - Let's Talk Health Flyer
25th Sep 2024

Let's Talk Health - Monday 21 October 2024 --- 1pm - 5pm

Date: Monday 21 October 2024, 1pm - 5pm

Venue: 96 Shenley Road,Borehamwood, WD6 1EB


Come along to this Cancer and Health awareness event where you will have the opportunity to chat with local health professionals and find out more about health services in Hertsmere.

There will be a range of Cancer and Health Awareness Talks (CHATs), stalls and free refreshments available for you to enjoy!

No need to book please just drop in,everyone is welcome!

For more information, please contact or call 0208 207 7801


Download the full flyer here - 241021 - Let's Talk Health Flyer.pdf

1st Sep 2024

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of coughs and colds. It usually gets better by itself, but it can be serious for some babies and older adults.


Who's at risk from RSV

RSV is very common. Almost all children get it at least once before they’re 2 years old.

It’s not usually serious, but some babies and adults have a higher risk of getting seriously ill, particularly:

  • babies under 6 months old
  • children who were born prematurely
  • adults over 75 years
  • babies, children and older adults with a weakened immune system, or long-term lung or heart conditions

In babies, RSV is a common cause of a type of chest infection called bronchiolitis. This can cause breathing problems and may need to be treated in hospital.

RSV can also cause a serious lung infection (pneumonia) in babies and older adults.


RSV Vaccination from September 2024

A vaccine to help protect against RSV will be available on the NHS from 1 September 2024.

You’ll be able to get the vaccine if:

  • you’re aged 75 to 79
  • you’re 28 weeks pregnant or more – this will help protect your baby for the first few months after they’re born

If you’re aged 75 to 79, your GP surgery will contact you about getting vaccinated. Please wait to be contacted.

From September, you can speak to your maternity service or GP surgery about getting your RSV vaccination if you’re 28 weeks pregnant or more.


Further information:


22nd Aug 2024

Dr Bhakti Gajjar - Maternity Leave

We are very excited to share that Dr. Gajjar Bhakti has now gone on maternity leave. From all at the Grove, we want to extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes for her maternity leave.

We hope this time is filled with joy, relaxation, and all the precious moments that Dr Gajjar been looking forward to, and we look forward to welcoming her back in the summer of 2025.

19th Jul 2024

Global IT Issues affecting the Practice

Due to the global IT issues, we are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our computer system.

As a result, we are not be able to access our clinical system and therefore cannot access patient records, book appointments or process prescription requests. NHS England and our local IT support are working very hard to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

If you have an urgent medical issue, please call the surgery on 020 3538 3959 to speak with a member of our team.

For non-urgent enquiries, please contact NHS 111, or try the Practice again next week. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


Message from NHS England:

"The NHS is aware of a global IT outage and an issue with EMIS, an appointment and patient record system, which is causing disruption in the majority of GP practices.

"The NHS has long-standing measures in place to manage the disruption, including using paper patient records and handwritten prescriptions, and the usual phone systems to contact your GP.

"There is currently no known impact on 999 or emergency services, so people should use these services as they usually would.

"Patients should attend appointments unless told otherwise. Only contact your GP if it’s urgent, and otherwise please use 111 online or call 111."

8th Jul 2024

Menopause Webinar - Thursday 11th July 2024

Little Bushey Surgery's Patient Participation Group is inviting you to a webinar on Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7pm


Dr Bajekal's Menopause Webinar: Flourishing in Perimenopause and Menopause using nutrition and lifestyle approaches, with or without HRT

Dr Bajekal will discuss all aspects of perimenopause and menopause management including a deep dive into the science of nutrition and all lifestyle pillars
To pre-register for the meeting or to join on the day please use this link

Meeting ID: 819 1104 1887
Passcode: 277213
18th Jun 2024

Digital Access to Healthcare workshops

Active Communities, have organised 4 Digital Access to Healthcare workshops. These sessions will be open to all and aim to offer support and advice for people with managing healthcare online.


The dates for the events and location for the events are:


Tuesday 25th June – Phillimore Community Centre, Radlett, WD7 8NN, 12pm – 4pm

Wednesday 26th June – Aberford Community Centre, Borehamwood, WD6 1PN, 12pm – 4pm

Thursday 27th June – Farriers Way Community Centre, Borehamwood, WD6 2TB, 10am – 2pm

Friday 28th June – Organ Hall Community Centre, Borehamwood, WD6 4TB, 10am – 2pm


If you need help with accessing healthcare online, such as using the NHS App, requesting medication, submitting admin or medical issue queries online, then pop by to one of these workshops. 


Invincible Feeling, invisible Danger – take a sec to check
17th May 2024

Blood Pressure Campaign


Invincible Feeling, invisible Danger – take a sec to check


High blood pressure has no symptoms but if left unchecked could lead to serious illness.

Herts and West Essex ICB has launched a campaign to encourage people to get a free blood pressure check at a pharmacy.

You can visit the ICS website to get the full details of the campaign, which is particularly targeting people aged 40 and older.

Checks are free for people over 40 who have not had a blood pressure check in the past 6 months and more than 200 pharmacies across Herts and west Essex are taking part.

Information available on the website includes:

  • How to find a pharmacy where you can get your blood pressure checked
  • Tips on taking a blood pressure reading at home
  • Ways you can help reduce your blood pressure
  • Maintaining healthy blood pressure
15th Apr 2024

Diabetes Medicines - Current and Future - Webinar 17.04.2024

The patient led Herts and West Essex Diabetes Support Group has organised an outstanding free Diabetes webinar on Wednesday 17 April from 7 - 8 pm. it is being given by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and will cover current and future medication for both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

Patients will need to register for the online event. Use the link below to reserve your place now

Man, You're a LIFESAVER event poster 240327
12th Feb 2024

Man, You're a LIFESAVER - Wednesday 27 March 2024 - 1 - 4PM

Date: Wednesday 27 March 2024, 1 - 4pm

Venue: Allum Hall, 2 Allum Lane, Borehamwood, WD6 3PJ


Join us for conversations about men's health and wellbeing. There will be a range of cancer and health awareness talks, stall, exercise taster sessions, free refreshments and much more.


12th Feb 2024

Support for Wellbeing - Monday 26 February 2024 - 1 - 4PM

Date: Monday 26 February 2024, 1 - 4pm

Venue: Aberford Community Centre, Borehamwood, WD6 1PL


Join us for complimentary coffee and cake, and a chat with local professionals about support services available to help improve your wellbeing. Visit information stalls, check your blood pressure, listen to talks, and take part in easy dance exercises. 


Click Here to download the event poster - Support for Wellbeing Event Poster - 240327.pdf

12th Feb 2024

MMR Vaccinations


Measles cases are likely to spread rapidly unless more people are vaccinated, the UK Health Security Agency says.

More than four million parents and carers, as well as many young adults, are being contacted because they, or their children, have missed out on one, or both, doses of the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine.


How can I get the MMR vaccine?

The first MMR dose is usually administered at 12 months old, while the second jab is administered around three years and four months old.

Adults and children can be vaccinated at any point by their GP if they have missed their initial doses.

If you or your child has not been vaccinated, contact the surgery to book an appointment for an MMR vaccination.

There will be a number of clinics held locally i nthe February 24 half term. Click here to download the poster: MMR clinics - Half term Feb 24 Poster.pdf


What is measles and what are the symptoms?

Measles is a highly contagious disease which is spread by coughs and sneezes.

Common symptoms include:

  • high fever
  • sore, red and watery eyes
  • coughing
  • sneezing

Small white spots may appear inside the mouth.

A blotchy red or brown rash usually appears after a few days, typically on the face and behind the ears, before spreading to the rest of the body.

It can be harder to see on brown and black skin.

Measles normally clears up within seven to 10 days. However, complications can include pneumonia, meningitis, blindness and seizures.

Babies and young children, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system are at increased risk.

Measles can be fatal, but this is rare.


Can adults get measles?

You can catch measles at any age.

If you catch it while pregnant, the disease can lead to stillbirth, miscarriage or babies being born small.

The NHS urges adults to ensure they have had both doses of the MMR vaccine before starting a family.


What should you do if you get measles?

The NHS advises patients to:

  • take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve fever, aches and pains - aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years old
  • rest and drink plenty of fluids
  • wash their hands regularly with soap, and clean their eyes with damp cotton wool
  • put used tissues and cotton wool in the bin

You should go to A&E or phone 999 if you or your child:

  • have shortness of breath
  • have a high temperature that does not come down with paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • are coughing up blood
  • feel drowsy or confused
  • have fits (convulsions)

Pregnant women or those with a weakened immune system should seek urgent medical advice after contact with someone with measles.


For more information on the MMR vaccination, please click here - MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine - NHS (

20th Nov 2023

Dr Chandegra is leaving the Practice


Dr Chandegra will be leaving the Grove Medical Centre on Thursday 14th December to explore his other areas of interest. We would like to thank Dr Chandegra for all of his hard work and support over the last three and a half years, and all at the Grove would like to wish him the very best for the future. Dr Chandegra will be helping out as a locum GP from time to time so you may still get the opportunity to see him in Practice.

2nd Nov 2023

Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health Event - Monday 13th November 2 - 6pm


Venue: Aberford Community Centre, Borehamwood, WD6 1PL


Our Health Matters have organised a Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health Event for the local community. 

Come along for complimentary coffee and cake, and a chat withlocal health professionals to find out more about your cardiovascular health.
Visit the stalls hosted by organisations, including Grove Medical Centre and Stroke Association, listen to talks, and take part in chair-based exercises.


Please click the link below to download the event poster

Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health Event - 13.11.23.pdf

Our Health Matters - Blood Pressure Webinar 16.10.23
12th Oct 2023

Blood Pressure Awareness Event - 16th October 1-2pm (Webinar)

Do you know what high blood pressure is, what causes it and the impact?

Join this session on Zoom for an informative and engaging lunchtime session led by Phil Pyatt, CEO of Blood Pressure UK.


Follow this link for more information and to register for the event - Our Health Matters | Communities 1st


29th Sep 2023

Results of the Patient Survey on access, triage, and online consultations July - August 2023

The Grove Medical Centre created a survey to gain feedback from patients regarding their experience accessing the Practice and assess the levels of understanding of triage and online consultations of the Practices patient population.

Click here for more information and to view the results

18th Sep 2023

New Triage Appointment System - Monday 9th October 2023

From Monday 9th October, Grove Medical Centre is launching a new ‘Total Triage’ system, which allows you as the patient to navigate your way to the most appropriate care without the need to phone the practice. This new total triage system will mean that you receive the right care, at the right time, with the right person. We will respond to your query appropriately and in the most convenient way.


Patient are now required to submit an online form for all medical issues and admin requests and these will be reveiwed by our GP lead triage team.


There is no need to register for an account, simply click the following link and submit your admin query or medical issue -


You can submit a medical issue form between 7.30am - 6pm (however access may be suspended if demand is overwhelming). You can submit an admin queries 24/7.


For further information visit our appointments page - Appointments - The Grove Medical Centre 

17th Aug 2023

Flu Vaccinations 2023


We are in the process of planning for the upcoming flu and COVID season.

Eligible patients will receive a letter, email or text message in the coming weeks to invite them to book into one of our clinics. Please do not call before receiving your invite.

Further information on flu including eligibility criteria and September weekend flu clinic dates can be found here -

COVID vaccinations will be administered from October - Further information to follow on this soon

26th Jul 2023

Patient Survey on access, triage and online consultations


The Grove Medical Centre created a short survey to gain feedback from patients regarding their experience accessing the Practice and assess the levels of understanding of triage and online consultations of the Practices patient population.


This was an anonymous survey which was open for completion between 26th July and 13th August 2023. We would like to thank everyone who took the opportunity to complete the survey online and in Practice. In total we received 987 repsonses which is great.


Please click the following link to view the results from the Survey - Grove Medical Centre - Patient Survey Results - July to August 2023.pdf


24th May 2023

Upcoming Health Events on 7th and 14th June 2023

HEALTH AND WELLBEING EVENT - Wednesday 07 June 2023 - 4.30pm-9pm



Allum Hall,
Allum Lane,
Borehamwood, WD6 3PJ

Come to our Community Health Event, organised by the Patient Groups from Grove Medical Centre, Fairbrook Medical Centre and Schopwick Surgery to find out information for you and your family! There will also be children's entertainment!


Listen to talks and visit stalls on: Mini Health Checks, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Mental Health, Autism, Wellbeing Talks + many more!


If you require transport to the event please phone 01727 649980 or email


Please click here to view the event poster



HEALTH AND RESPIRATORY AWARENESS EVENT - Wednesday 14 June 2023 - 1pm-4pm



Aberford Community Centre

Borehamwood, WD6 1PL


Come along for complimentary coffee and cake, and a chat with local health professionals to find out more about health and respiratory services and support available in Hertsmere.


To book your FREE place, please
or Call: 01727 649900


Please click here for the event poster

24th May 2023

Practice Update

Dear We wanted to respond to answer your queries following the Government’s release of its “Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care” today. A lot of the points in the plan are already embedded in many practices, we felt it would be helpful to clarify current operational procedures at Grove Medical Centre.

We know first-hand that things have been extremely busy, the pressure and demand for appointments is very high, and continues to remain so.

As you will be aware, we made the move to cloud-based telephony in June 2021 and we think patients have appreciated how much better this makes the experience of trying to call us. However, you are also probably aware that better phone access doesn’t mean we have unlimited appointments to offer when you do get through to us.

To ensure safety, we do restrict our Duty Doctor emergency lists morning and afternoon and will ask patients to contact 111 online or by phone or visit your pharmacy when we feel we have reached capacity on the day.  We do not routinely ask patients to call us another day, but please bear in mind depending on capacity, we may not be able to deal with every request the same day. Using 111 or your local pharmacy may be appropriate, and our staff will advise you if so.

The news about prescription medications available directly from Pharmacies is welcome, we always ask patients to visit their local pharmacies for many minor conditions as you will find you can access excellent help and advice quickly.  A lot of minor illnesses and injuries do not need a GP, so it allows us to be available for those that really do need an appointment with a GP, Practice Nurse or another member of the team. Please note however, these particular changes in the recovery plan are not in place just yet.

We already ask patients when they contact us for a brief description of the issue you are calling about. We don’t need a lot of information here – but it helps our team direct you to the most appropriate person, in the most appropriate time frame. We have pharmacists, a First Contact Musculoskeletal Specialist and Social Prescribing Link Workers working as part of our team – you may be directed to someone other than a GP.

We appreciate the Government now states all appointments should be within two weeks. However, we know that many patients are happy to wait longer than 2 weeks for their routine issue – often waiting for their preferred clinician. If we restrict booking to two weeks at a time, it means you may need to call us more than once or keep checking online for released slots – we feel its best to ask the patient and offer what is available and if they are happy to accept this, we think it is best to offer this.

We are pleased to see further advancement of the NHS app and we do recommend patients use this to book routine telephone appointments, order their repeat medication and now you can view your GP record and test results.

We continue to work very hard to offer the best service for our patients, we appreciate your cooperation and support.

4th Oct 2022

Dr Simon Al Moshe has now left the Grove

Dr Al Moshe has now left our Practice. We would like to thank Dr Al Moshe for all of his hard work and support over the last two years, and all at the Grove would like to wish him the very best for the future. Dr Al Moshe will be helping out as a locum GP from time to time so you may still get the opportunity to see him in Practice.

25th Aug 2022

Flu Vaccinations 2022

We are in the processing of planning for the upcoming flu season.

Eligible patients will receive a letter or text message in the coming weeks to invite them to book into one of our clinics. Please do not call before receiving your invite.

Eligibility criteria can be found here -

We will be holding clinics on:

Saturday 17th September (8.30am - 11.30) - WALK IN (NO NEED TO BOOK)

Tuesday 20th September (6.30-8.30pm) - BOOKABLE VIA RECPTION

We will also have mid week clinics within our normal opening hours that patients can book into. Please contact reception to book into these.



Patients aged 50-64 and not in an 'at risk' group, will be invited to book their flu vaccinations after 17th October.

22nd Jun 2022

Patients no longer required to wear face masks in Practice

Due to recent changes in COVID infection control guidance the Grove Medical Centre will no longer require patients to wear a mask in the Practice. However, patients with acute respiratory symptoms will still be required to wait outside and wear masks when entering the Practice. This is to reduce the risk to other patients and staff.

We still encourage patients and staff to continue to wear masks, if they prefer.

On some occasions, the clinician may request you wear a face mask during your consultation. We ask that you comply with this request.

Please be aware that we will continue to review our protocols according to national guidance.

We thank you for your cooperation, especially during this challenging pandemic.

The Grove Medical Centre

27th Apr 2022

Dr Rose has now retired

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Dr Rose retired at the end of June 2022. Dr Rose has provided care for the Practices patient population for 30 years and she will be dearly missed by all staff and patients. The Grove Medical Centre would like to thank Dr Rose for her hard work and dedication as a GP and Partner of the Practice and we hope you all will join us in wishing her a very happy, relaxing and well deserved retirement!

15th Jul 2021

COVID Restriction Update – July 21

Covid Restriction Update: July 2021

Throughout the pandemic we have strived to make the surgery as safe as possible for all our patients and staff. We will continue to do so going forward.

From the 19th July nothing will change at the surgery - patients will need to still wear a mask, socially distance and use hand sanitiser in the surgery and staff will continue to wear PPE.  We do understand that it can be frustrating, but we know that when people come to us, they are sick and vulnerable (and some cannot receive the covid vaccinations due to medical reasons) so we feel it would be wrong to not take these small precautions that can protect people. 

In terms of opening up, we like to manage your queries in the safest way possible which means we have to reduce the number of patients entering the Practice unnecessarily. We have never stopped assisting with your queries when you come to Practice entrance and we have never stopped patients entering for appointments. In fact, our GPs have consulted with much higher numbers of patients than we did pre-covid, not counting vaccinating a majority of the adult population twice in the last 6 months.


Grove Medical Centre has come so far in trying to minimise the impact of Covid and we are sure you understand that we need to keep the surgery as safe for ALL patients as we can.


17th May 2021

You may have seen on the news that from Monday 17 May, doors at GP practices are ‘re-opening’.

As you will know, our GP practice has been open throughout the pandemic, offering patients telephone and online appointments, with face to face consultations available for those who need them. This was in-line with national requirements to keep patients safe, whilst COVID infection rates were high and before the vaccination was widespread.

GP practices are now being encouraged to offer patients a choice of whether they would like a remote or face to face consultation. However, before we have more people coming into the surgery to see us in person, we need a bit of time to put in place measures to keep everyone safe.

As we wait for further national guidance on doing that, we ask that patients continue to contact us by phone or online as you have been doing. We are facing unprecedented demands for our services and will need to continue to adjust how we use our clinicians’ time to best support our patients – particularly those who need us the most.

We will keep you updated as soon as we are clear about how we can re-open our reception areas safely. Thank you for your support.

21st Jan 2021

Update on services

All NHS services are under severe pressure at the moment, as we look after increasing numbers of patients who are sick with covid-19 and other seasonal illnesses.

We are also delivering the huge and vitally important covid-19 vaccination programme.

So that it can focus on these really important issues, you GP will understandably be prioritising urgent cases.

This means that when you contact your local practice, they will have an initial conversation with you to understand how urgent your health needs are.

If you have an issue that is not urgent, you may to wait longer than usual until your problem or concern can be dealt with.

Do please make sure that you continue to get in touch with us if you need to. This is particularly important if:

  • your problem is urgent;
  • you have long term condition that is getting worse
  • you are worried about symptoms that might indicate cancer 

Please also remember you can call NHS 111 for urgent concerns, and 999 for serious emergencies. 

Your local pharmacist can also help with minor complaints 

For adults with mental health problems including depression and anxiety, you can refer yourself directly to the local wellbeing service, via their website

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, call this freephone number: 0800 6444 101.  

We have a childhood illnesses leaflet free to download here, full of advice and information for parents and carers of young children 

Herts Help has a range of support and information to help people though the lockdown here 

Thank you very much for helping us all manage under these very difficult circumstances.


30th Apr 2020

Eye Problems

Patients with any eye problems/concerns please see link below

Patients can start an online call using the button on the webpage if they have eye problems.

10th Sep 2019


What is sepsis?

Sepsis (also known as blood poisoning) is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection or injury. Normally our immune system fights infection – but sometimes, for reasons we don’t yet understand, it attacks our body’s own organs and tissues. If not treated immediately, sepsis can result in organ failure and death. Yet with early diagnosis, it can be treated with antibiotics.


Sepsis can initially look like flu, gastroenteritis or a chest infection. There is no one sign, and symptoms present differently between adults and children.

How to spot sepsis in adults

Seek medical help urgently if you (or another adult) develop any of these signs:

  • Slurred speech or confusion
  • Extreme shivering or muscle pain
  • Passing no urine (in a day)
  • Severe breathlessness
  • It feels like you’re going to die
  • Skin mottled or discoloured

How to spot sepsis in children

If your child is unwell with either a fever or very low temperature (or has had a fever in the last 24 hours), call 999 and just ask: could it be sepsis? A child may have sepsis if he or she:

  • Is breathing very fast
  • Has a ‘fit’ or convulsion
  • Looks mottled, bluish, or pale
  • Has a rash that does not fade when you press it
  • Is very lethargic or difficult to wake
  • Feels abnormally cold to touch

A child under 5 may have sepsis if he or she:

  • Is not feeding
  • Is vomiting repeatedly
  • Has not passed urine for 12 hours

Did you know:

  • 25,000 children are affected by sepsis each year in the UK
  • 1/4 of all sepsis survivors suffer permanent, life-changing after effects
  • 5 people are killed by sepsis every hour in the UK

For further information please visit the UK Sepsis Trust website -