Sick/Fit Note Certificates


Notice: GPs are not issuing sick notes for self-isolation – Please do not call the Practice for self-isolation sick notes or request these via email or online - Further information on COVID-19 can be found on the NHS 111 website -

Self Certification Sick/Fit Note for less than 7 days

If you have been ill for 7 days or less you don’t need to see a Doctor. You can complete a Self-Certification form yourself. However some employers insist on a Doctor’s note regardless. This would require a private letter from the GP, which would incur a fee that is payable prior tot he letetr being completed. The GP can only provide a letter once you have been consulted. You can request a GP appointment here -


Doctor’s Sick/Fit Note for more than 7 days

If you have been ill for more than 7 days you will need a doctor’s certificate. These certificates are called ‘Fitness to Work’ Certificates.

If you have not spoken to or been seen by a GP, it is likely you will need an appointment to discuss your illness before a fitness to work certificate can be issued. You can submit a medical request here -



Requesting an additional Sick/Fit Note

If you have already had a Sick Note (Fit Note) for this illness your Doctor may not need to see you to issue an additional Sick Note. Please complete an admin form, providing all of the relevent information and this will be passed to the GP for review -